The Rain on the Plains by Jann Alexander ©2015
On an especially rainy, chill day (where the view from my window echoes the one pictured), I’m pondering the mystery of weather’s effect on creativity. Do we become gloomy and incapable of putting pen to paper, or does rain somehow stoke the creative engines with its claustrophobic embrace?
Will you help answer this question by taking this short quiz? There’s a write-in section in case none of the multiple choice answers nails how you feel. I’ll follow up later with another piece on the results. Bonus There’s a deadline, something that always motivates creative types: The poll ends a week from today.
<a href="https://polldaddy.com/p/8602292" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Take Our Poll</a>
Thanks for your responses. If taking a poll doesn’t suit your sensibilities, feel free to chime in below, in the Comments section. ♣
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