Commentary on Cranes and Their Creations
Welcome to Pairings
Pairings by Jann Alexander include creativity, inspiration, books, writing, photography, art, history, travel, Texas life, lore and more
In 2011, It Became Official: Austin’s Vanishing
Making the Call: Go Big or Go Indie?
Top 5 Things a Writer Learns at a Publishing Conference
Platform. Got One? You Need One.
Yes, Austin, Funk and Swank Can Coexist
Yes, Ideas Flow from Life—And Also from Inspirational Aids
There Is Nothing Fair About Fair Use
Attention Small Brands, You Can’t Waste Time on Facebook Anymore
Why It’s Called Social Sharing
What’s the Big Deal About Creativity?
Raise a Glass to Pressgram: An App That Plays Nicely With Cava and Creative Control
I Want to Make Beautiful Things
Turned On and Powerful Once Again
Austin: Truly in Hues of Blue
Dumping Facebook, Dating Twitter, Avoiding LinkedIn and Flirting with Google+
How To Assess Where You’re At
What’s Vanished Since 2004?
The Pattern of Change
So Long, SoCo Trailers