Welcome to Pairings
Pairings by Jann Alexander include creativity, inspiration, books, writing, photography, art, history, travel, Texas life, lore and more
How To Celebrate The Holidays Like A Texan
Where Old Typewriters Go to Die
The Hippest Holiday Art Fair in Town
Shopping Local With The Locals
The Power of the Flower . . . and the Pie
Are You Captive to Clutter?
Unfolding in Luxury
Just One Word on Wordless Wednesday
Collecting Eye Candy for Inspiration—and Fun
How Collecting Art Is Also Collecting Stories—Yours
The Naturescapes Shop Is Open for Art Collectors
Why I Can’t Resist a Window
How to Talk to a Photographer Like She’s an Artist
Yummy Enough to Eat, But Far Better to Collect
Are Shelfies The New Selfies?
Trapped By An Attraction To Light
How Do You Move 95+ Austin Landmarks in One Day?
There’s an App for That: Achieve Your 2014 Tech Resolutions
The Gift I Treasure Most
All Decked Out For the Holidays