How do daily rituals confine us? And define us?
Consider the intertwined rituals of lobstermen in their pursuit of lobsters, and the role of an unvarying daily ritual: the setting sun.
Well Contained in Maine by Jann Alexander ©2014
Tucked away: A lobsterman’s traps are stacked and ready for tomorrow’s catch, just steps from his home near the shoreline.
Off-Duty in Maine by Jann Alexander ©2014
Anchored: His trusted lobster boat sits off-duty at dusk, all set to make the rounds again the next day.
Castoffs by Jann Alexander ©2014
Settled in: Unmoored lobster buoys lean up against a tree, awaiting recovery by fellow fisherman who’ve lost them.
Contained by Jann Alexander ©2014
Confined: The catch of the day, subdued with claws banded, is contained first by a trap, now by a crate, soon by a pot and then by a plate.
Setting Maine Sun by Jann Alexander ©2014
Absolute: The setting sun is not as easily contained as the traps and the boat and the buoys and the catch, but its routine is just as reliable. ♣