Mondrian in Mexico by Jann Alexander ©2015
Show me a little symmetry, a vivid color or two, some kind of pattern, bright light and hard shadows, and my photography Muse will call me. “Hello?” I’ll say. “It’s your Muse calling, get out your camera,” she’ll instruct.
Doors? Did she say “Doors, too”? Well then. Click. Click. Click Click clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick . . .
Red Stripe by Jann Alexander ©2015
Shooting like this has been a habit of mine since around 1980, when the photography Muse first grabbed me by the throat and said, “Pay attention.” She didn’t have to tell me twice. ♣
Visit my Lightscapes series to see more photographs where light and shadow etch a pattern.