Refracted City by Jann Alexander ©2014
Sit at a comfortable distance from your iDevice or monitor, and cover one eye while gazing directly at this photograph. Now cover the other eye. Does the image seem more or less clear, depending on the eye you have covered? You may or may not need to consult your optometrist.
Take a moment to contemplate what you see. Are you looking at a picture within a picture? If you cannot determine that you are seeing a city skyline reflected in a mirror-coated window, you may or may not need to consult a vision professional (other than me).
If you correctly determined that you are looking at the ever-changing skyline of Austin, Texas, its color and shape bent and warped, as reflected into the Long Center’s vast modern windowscape for your contemplation, then your perspective on our city is near-perfect. ♣
Photographing reflections and refractions is immensely entertaining to me, especially with my iPhone, when the results are not always predictable, but always delightful. See more on iPhoneography HERE.