We think of barriers quite literally, as physical obstacles in our paths. But barriers can be much more debilitating to our creativity when we impose them upon ourselves.
A Window Into Casas Grande by Jann Alexander © 2014
“As long as more walls still stand…We’ll need more of you, young people, who imagine the world as it should be; who knock down walls; who knock down barriers; who imagine something different and have the courage to make it happen.” ― President Barack Obama
What are the barriers to your creativity? Are they of your own making, or are they barriers imposed by the world? What are your strategies for overcoming barriers?
Daily Prompt: Barriers / Obstacle Course (dailypost.wordpress.com)
Mission Mexico Gallery (austindetailsart.com)
The Eight Emotional Barriers to Creativity and Innovation (http://blog.kevineikenberry.com)
Visit my website to see how I practice creativity with photography, painting and design. ♣